Given the customized nature of many power chairs, it will be important to detail as many characteristics of your chair as you can in the listing. Interested parties will contact you—or can go through a DATI intermediary, if you prefer—and the eventual exchange will take place directly between you and the lucky person who will benefit from your generosity. To learn more about how the exchange works, visit their FAQ. You can either enter a listing yourself by registering as an AT Exchange user, or contact Sandy Walls at

Finally, there are tools that enhance students’ access to print materials and most can be modified to meet an individual’s needs in terms of reading speed, manner in which text is highlighted on-screen, and comprehension and notetaking. Visit your local DATI Assistive Technology Resource Center to see these tools in action. If you want to try them, you or your son’s team can borrow them for a few weeks before a decision to acquire them for his personal use is made. Many schools have access to these tools because their district purchased a license or because they are available as a Chrome extension. We have worked with many students who have a new outlook on learning because print is no longer a barrier for them; let us know how we can help. – Beth Mineo

I need a ramp to get in and out of my house. How do I go about finding one?

Are you looking for a permanent or temporary solution? There are a few things that you need to consider when looking for a ramp. The first is the rise. How tall are the stairs you are trying to climb? You can measure each step and add them together to get the total rise. The rise will help you determine the slope needed to safely travel the ramp. The slope for an occupied wheelchair will need to be less than the slope for an unoccupied wheelchair. Do you own or rent your home? There are things to consider for each possibility. If your need is temporary, you may want to consider renting a ramp. Our DATI centers can provide resources for ramp rentals. If your need is permanent, you will need to plan how to best approach the construction. Our DATI centers have resources that can help you plan and build a ramp to safely meet your needs.
– Beth MineoWhere can I find funding for the device I need?

That depends on what type of AT is involved and potentially your age or other personal circumstances (are you a veteran, in school or covered by insurance). If the device is something you need for employment or school you may want to contact the Division for Vocational Rehabilitation. If you qualify for services from the Division for the Visually Impaired you may want to check with them or a local Lions Club. If you need a device that might be considered medically necessary, you may want to check to see if your insurance might cover it. If you are a person with a significant disability looking to increase your ability to function on your own at home, at work, and in your community, then Delaware Division for the Visually Impaired, Independent Living Services may be available to assist you. If you are a senior or have disabilities, the Delaware Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities (DSAAPD) may be able to help. There may be other possibilities, so you should contact DATI for additional suggestions.
– Beth Mineo