The imperative of mental health literacy
Learn in this webinar why it’s crucial to know how to foster and maintain mental health, understand mental health disorders and treatments, recognize how to seek help effectively, and appreciate stigma reduction strategies. The consequences of being unaware, explains CDS’s Annie Slease, are all around us: delays between symptoms and treatment now average 11 years and fewer than half of U.S. adults are receiving treatment.
Adaptive Gaming webinar
In this webinar hosted by CDS, learn how adaptive games and equipment can open the world of video gaming for individuals with disabilities. Drew Redepenning, a biomedical engineer, assistive technology practitioner and resident physician, shares his knowledge of devices and games created with accessibility in mind.
Mental Health Supports in Delaware
Learn about assistance that’s available to Delawareans with intellectual and developmental disabilities and efforts underway in The First State to enhance supports for individuals with IDD. This webinar from CDS features Drs. Joan Beasley of the University of New Hampshire, Jody Roberts of the Delaware Division of Developmental Disabilities Services, and Sarah Mallory of the University of Delaware.
Literacy for All
This webinar from CDS includes techniques and strategies parents and professionals can use to help individuals with complex communication needs acquire literacy skills. Karen Erickson, director of the Center for Literacy and Disability Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, presents.
Disrupting ableism explained in CDS-DNEA webinar
What is ableism and how do you disrupt it? In this webinar hosted by CDS and the Delaware Network for Excellence in Autism, Montclair State University Professor Priya Lalvani discusses how discrimination against people with disabilities can be embedded in our language and culture and how professionals and families can become allies for disability justice.
Where to park in Delaware
The ways in which Delaware State Parks are becoming accessible to people with disabilities are explained in this University of Delaware webinar hosted by CDS. Matthew Ritter, environmental program director with the Delaware Division of Parks and Recreation, presents.
Disability Rights are Civil Rights
Federal and state laws protecting the health and welfare of people with disabilities are explained in this CDS Zoom webinar. Presenting are attorneys Marissa Band of Delaware’s Community Legal Aid Society and Cathy Cushman and Deborah Kolodner of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights, Mid-Atlantic Region.
Accessing our parks
The National Park Service’s accessibility chief, Jeremy Buzzell, discusses efforts to make parks large and small accommodating to people with disabilities in this CDS Zoom webinar.
Covid vaccine allocation examined in CDS webinar
A panel of public health and disability experts details Delaware’s plans to make available Covid-19 vaccines to people with disabilities, and fields audience questions. The CDS webinar features University of Delaware Epidemiology Program Founding Professor Jennifer Horney, Delaware Division of Developmental Disabilities Services Director of Community Services Cory Nourie and Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities Director Kara Ayers.
Webinar details expanded Medicaid oral health coverage
Delaware’s Medicaid director explains new coverage available to adults in this recording of a Jan. 19, 2021 webinar hosted by UD’s Center for Disabilities Studies. A step toward oral health equity, the coverage comes after years of advocacy by the disability community and others.
Make your vote count
Access this video of a CDS webinar that details what Delawareans with disabilities need to know to cast their ballots in the Nov. 3, 2020 general election. Voting absentee, by mail and at polling places are discussed by the Delaware Disabilities Law Program’s Laura Waterland and the National Disability Rights Network’s Michelle Bishop.
CDS webinar probes Delaware’s digital primary election pilot
State Election Commissioner Anthony Albence reveals in this webinar that Delawareans with disabilities and other absentee voters once again have the option of receiving and marking their primary election ballots with tablets or smartphones. A week earlier, his department eliminated that option in the face of criticism from cybersecurity experts. Learn from this video-webinar what the OmniBallot pilot offers voters with disabilities — and why it’s controversial.
Transcript: PDF | Text • Audio: MP3 | AAC
Artfest 2019 video
Delawareans with disabilities paint tropical island paradises with the support of volunteers from the University of Delaware at our 12th Artfest. Many of them also dance during a short Zumba break. CDS hosted and collaborated on the inclusive, accessible event with Art Therapy Express and the New Castle County Department of Community Services.
Artfest 2019 slideshow
Experience Artfest 2019 by viewing these photos of the many Delawareans with disabilities and student volunteers from the University of Delaware who took part. Artfest 2019 was the first in which each participant, with the support of a volunteer, produced a single work of art. Each photo is accompanied by a caption, describing the work – and often the joy – on display.
CDS at 25
View video highlights of the community reception, held October 2018 at UD’s Roselle Center for the Arts, celebrating CDS’s 25 years of education, advocacy, service and research.
Underrepresented no more
How can people with disabilities make a greater impact on elections? Experts with Washington, D.C.-based advocacy organizations, a Stanford Law School professor and Delaware’s attorney general count the ways in this video of a UD forum held to mark CDS’s 25-year anniversary. They also note the conditions and practices that have contributed to people with disabilities voting in disproportionately low numbers.
Voting rights controversies
Learn from this video why potential voters with disabilities are up to 21 percent less likely to vote than potential voters without disabilities. The obstacles, notes Dr. Rabia Belt of Stanford Law School, include transportation hardships, long lines, inaccessible ballots, poorly trained elections workers, stringent voter ID requirements and some form of disenfranchisement of people with “mental disabilities” in most states. Dr. Belt delivered her remarks at UD on the occasion of CDS’s 25-year anniversary.
Our 11th Artfest
People with disabilities and University of Delaware student volunteers bonded while painting masks and murals, mugging for the camera at a costumed photo booth, expressing themselves through marble painting, spin art, a dreamcatcher project and “Paintbrushes for People,” and experimenting with slime. To view the slideshow of the creative workshop and community celebration, click this link or click on the image below.
Disability Mentoring Day in Delaware
University of Delaware President Dennis Assanis and U.S. Sen. Chris Coons speak at Disability Mentoring Day ceremonies in Newark, Delaware, Oct. 19, 2016.
Artfest 2016
This 10-year anniversary rollout of Artfest featured people with disabilities throughout Delaware and student volunteers from the University of Delaware come together in Newport to create a collaborative circle art project, spin art, a fabric sculpture, a large mural, paint-stamp art, free-hand art, marble painting and leaf-print canvases. To view the slideshow, click this link or click on the image below.
Artfest 2015
The creative workshop and community celebration presented by CDS and Art Therapy Express showcased a collaborative floor mural, a communal found-objects sculpture, the painting of ceramic masks, spin art, gelli painting, stencil painting and costumed photo shoots. Delawareans with disabilities and UD student volunteers participated. To view the slideshow, click this link or click on the image below.
Delawareans celebrate 25th anniversary of ADA signing
CDS and Delawareans paraded to the mall outside Legislative Hall in Dover on July 18, 2015 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
A Closer Look: The New CMS Rule
In March 2015, Delaware sent federal officials its plan on how the state intends to comply with the new rule that increasingly steers Medicaid funding to home- and community-based settings and away from institutional settings. This University of Delaware video of a CDS town hall explains the “CMS rule” and explores how it will usher in authentic community integration for people with disabilities.
Art For Everyone’s Sake
Creativity, community and inclusion take center stage in this joyous video of Artfest, hosted by CDS and Art Therapy Express.
Gov. Jack Markell calls on businesses to give people with disabilities a shot at jobs
In an interview with CDS on Disability Mentoring Day 2014, Gov. Jack Markell says government can help people with disabilities get jobs by: 1. preparing young people for the “expectation” of a “lifetime of work”; 2. being a model employer that businesses can emulate; and by 3. “making businesses understand” that employees with disabilities will benefit them.
Employers, students with disabilities connect in Delaware on Disability Mentoring Day
Take a look at the memorable work experience that these and other students with disabilities gained on Disability Mentoring Day 2014 in Newark.
Artfest 2014
To view the slideshow, click this link or click on the image below.
Students with Disabilities Dazzle, Receive Honors at University of Delaware
These exceptional young men and women who took center stage at UD’s College of Education and Human Development’s convocation ceremony aren’t letting their intellectual disabilities get in the way of their education and career paths. Each just graduated with a Career and Life Studies Certificate.