Expanding Voting Accessibility
Expanding Voting Accessibility
Update (7/1/19): H.B. 73 was defeated in the Senate by a vote of 11–8 and returns to the House of Representatives for revision.
Update (4/11/19): H.B. 73 passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 38–3 and now goes to the Senate.
H.B. 39 would change Delaware’s deadline for voter registration to the day of the election in which the individual wishes to vote, adding almost a month of extra time. It would also allow voter registration at polling places. H.B. 79 would start the process of amending Delaware’s Constitution to eliminate the list of reasons a registered voter may request an absentee ballot. Instead, it would have the Constitution give power to regulate absentee ballots to the General Assembly. Supporters of expanding voting access in general argue it enables more citizens to participate in the democratic process. Regarding H.B. 73, people in Delaware’s disability community have expressed worry that the Constitution’s list of citizens eligible for absentee ballots only includes “physical disabilities.” Opponents counter that making voting easier also makes voter fraud easier. Opponents of the Constitutional amendment specifically have raised concerns that delegating all decision-making power to the General Assembly could enable future lawmakers to radically alter the status quo. Amendments to the Delaware Constitution need to pass both chambers with a two-thirds majority in two successive assemblies. This would be the first session in that process.
Reps. Viola (D), Jaques (D), Baumbach (D), Bentz (D), Brady (D), Chukwuocha (D); Dorsey Walker (D), Heffernan (D), Osienski (D); Sens. Hansen (D), Poore (D), Sokola (D), Townsend (D), Walsh (D); ACLU, Common Cause, Governor’s Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens, League of Women Voters; State Council for Persons with Disabilities.
Reps. Collins (R) (H.B. 73), Spiegelman (R) (H.B. 73), Yearick (R) (H.B. 73); Sens. Bonini (R) (H.B. 73), Hocker (R) (H.B. 73), Lawson (R) (H.B. 73), Lopez (R) (H.B. 73), Pettyjohn (R) (H.B. 73), Richardson (R) (H.B. 73), Townsend (D) (H.B. 73), Wilson (R) (H.B. 73); FreedomWorks, Tea Party Patriots.
Links to Additional Resources:
- H.B. 39
- H.B. 73
- Delaware Department of Elections accommodations for voters with special needs
- Delaware absentee ballot request form
- UDaily: “People with disabilities often stymied when trying to vote, panelists say”
- Vox: “Voting is already hard for people with disabilities.Voter ID laws make it even harder.”
- American Association of People with Disabilities REV UP disability voting campaign
- State Council for Persons with Disabilities letter in support of H.B. 39
- State Council for Persons with Disabilities letter in support of H.B. 73