Laura Gibison headshot. A close up of Laura shows that she has light skin, brown eyes and long, red hair.

Laura Gibison

Spectrum Scholars Career Counselor


As a Career Counselor with CDS’s Spectrum Scholars, Laura supports students in their career goals and development. She does this through outreach, one-on-one meetings with students and group coaching sessions, which cover topics such as networking, interview skills and resume-building.

Before joining CDS, Laura worked as a project leader with The Precisionists, Inc. – a company focused on employing individuals diagnosed with ASD – where she supported her teams in navigating a professional environment, and their clients in best practices when working with adults on the spectrum.

In 2019, Laura received her B.A. in Linguistics and Autism Studies from St. Joseph’s University. During her time there, she worked at the Kinney Center for Autism with children, teens and fellow students on the spectrum.

When she’s not working, Laura enjoys petting other people’s dogs, staying active and going to concerts. She lives in Wilmington, with no pets, sadly.