ABLE Account Amendments
ABLE Account Amendments
Signed: H.B. 145 was signed into law by Gov. John Carney on July 28, 2017.
Update: H.B. 148 has been superseded by H.B. 296.
H.B. 145 and 148 aim to increase the savings for Delawareans with disabilities who use Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) accounts. ABLE accounts, which are savings accounts for people with disabilities exempted from certain taxes, were created by the federal ABLE Act of 2014. H.B. 145 establishes that upon the death of an account’s beneficiary, state agencies are prohibited from taking back funds they had previously spent providing services to the deceased. This practice, which is called the “claw back” provision, is allowed by the federal law. H.B. 148 would enable people to deduct from their personal income taxes the amount they contributed to any ABLE account, up to $2,500, whether the account was created in Delaware or a different state. The federal act did not create any deductions. Supporters say both bills would further incentivize saving for individuals with disabilities.
Reps. Trey Paradee (D), Ruth Briggs-King (R), Charles Potter (D), Kevin Hensley (R); Sens. Nicole Poore (D), Colin Bonini (R), John Walsh (D); 321 Foundation.
Opponents: None reported.
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