CLSC builds confidence
“I can have a hard time making decisions. I’m more confident now. I’m doing things I’ve never done. It’s the new Catherine.”
– Catherine Lin

CLSC provides opportunities
“I decided to come to the University of Delaware because I wanted to experience a bigger campus. People should have a right to have an education. Disabled or not.”
– Daniel Lanier

CLSC fosters self-awareness
“In CLSC, I learned something important about myself. I love being around people. That knowledge will help me shape the rest of my life.”
– Michael Buono

CLSC aids class & work outcomes
“I feel supported and better able to succeed. I appreciate my abilities more. I’m so blessed.”
– Ciana Peters

CLSC turns out leaders
“I enrolled in CLSC to continue my education. What I didn’t plan on was how much I would grow. CLSC prepared me not only to be successful in college but to be a leader.”
– Ira Shepherd