Transition options for high school students

Students with disabilities and their families face many uncertainties as they approach the end of high school, often because the students feel unprepared for the next step.

In collaboration with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), CDS offers two transition programs for high school students that are designed to help them, their families and other team members consider options for the future, and take action.

Information about each program is described below.

Intro to Employment: virtual career exploration class

Introduction to Employment is a 15-week virtual career exploration course designed for high school students with disabilities, ages 16 to 21.

Based on a college course offered through CDS’s Career & Life Studies Certificate (CLSC) program, Intro to Employment includes twice-weekly small group classes as well as individualized exploration activities.

Throughout the course, students will develop a deeper understanding of the education, training and skill requirements of their fields of interest through research, self-assessment and guided reflection. Students’ personalized career exploration activities culminate in multiple opportunities for job shadowing and meetings with employers!

Participating students will engage in virtual classes via Zoom every Tuesday and Thursday, 3 p.m.–4:30 p.m., January 16 through April 25, 2024.

Interested candidates must submit an Intro to Employment application and participate in an interview. High school students with disabilities from all three Delaware counties are welcome to apply for this program, which is free to Delaware residents.

Apply for Intro to Employment

If you have questions about Intro to Employment or have trouble with an application, contact us at 302-831-4690 or

Shamar Banfield beams in front of a chart highlighting his personal strengths and goals

UDiscover: summer college and career exploration

The UDiscover Program is an intensive, two-week exploratory and discovery learning opportunity for high school students with disabilities, ages 16 to 22.

The program offers a carefully orchestrated, person-centered sequence of individualized and group activities that will result in creating a post-high school plan of action targeting goals for continuing education, training, apprenticeships, internships or career outcomes. Participating students also have opportunities to develop skills essential for independent living and social connecting.

Program activities will take place on campus at the University of Delaware July 7-18, 2025 and include job shadowing, course sit-ins, college visits and workshops on goals setting, self-advocacy and career exploration.

Interested candidates must submit a UDiscover application and participate in an interview. High school students with disabilities from all three counties in Delaware are welcome to apply for this program.

The opportunity to live on campus and engage in a number of independent living and advocacy-focused activities is partially funded by the Delaware Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) and Freedom Center for Independent Living (FCIL). 

COST: 2025 fees are yet to be announced.  In addition to any program fees, there will be a required deposit that will be refunded upon successful completion of the program with deductions made for any lost/damaged university property or early exit from the program for any reason.

Apply for UDiscover

If you have questions about UDiscover or have trouble with an application, contact us at 302-831-4690 or