Headshot of Jordyn Gum. Jordyn is an adult female with long, light brown hair and is wearing a light gray turtleneck and white blazer.

Jordyn Gum

Digital Content Specialist


Jordyn is a member of CDS’ Communications and Advocacy team, supporting its myriad print and digital initiatives, in-person and virtual events, and other collaborative efforts in support of Delaware’s disability community.

She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies from Campbell University. Before arriving at CDS, Jordyn worked on communications and marketing teams in both the nonprofit and for-profit sectors, specializing in story development, media production, content marketing, and social media management. 

Originally from southern Delaware, Jordyn now lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and enjoys going to museums, concerts, and the theater in her spare time. An avid skimboarder, she spends most of the summer weekends at the beach in Sussex County.