Headshot of Michelle Bastedo. Michelle is an adult female with medium-length, blonde curly hair and is wearing a green blouse with black polka dots and a black sweater.

Michelle Bastedo

Project GROW MTSS Specialist


Michelle Bastedo is an MTSS Specialist with the Delaware MTSS Technical Assistance Center. Michelle received her B.S. in education from the University of Delaware with a certification in elementary education and exceptional children and a minor in art. She completed her master’s degree in secondary and post-secondary counseling at West Chester University and her elementary school counseling degree at Wilmington University in Delaware.

Before joining the Center, Michelle taught special education in California, Philadelphia, and Delaware at the elementary and secondary levels. Working as a school counselor, she focused on MTSS, social-emotional learning, and positive behavior support within her schools. Within the Center, Michelle specializes in integrating mental health services within MTSS and promoting individual and organizational well-being in schools.