The Delaware End of Life Options Act
The Delaware End of Life Options Act
H.B. 160 would allow a Delawarean with a terminal disease to commit physician-assisted suicide (PAS) by self-ingesting lethal medication. The bill states that neither age nor disability alone would qualify an individual to request PAS. Seeking to ensure that a patient considering PAS makes an informed, voluntary decision, H.B. 160 would create a process including consultation with two physicians, either of whom could make a counseling referral; presentation of all end-of-life options, such as pain management and hospice care; and two waiting periods totaling 17 days. An amendment to H.B. 160 would add an additional step for people with intellectual disabilities, requiring a licensed clinical social worker to certify they fully understand the information their physicians have presented. H.B. 160 supporters say that PAS enables terminally ill adults to avoid pain and end their lives with dignity. Opponents argue that diagnoses of terminal illness may be incorrect, and that people considering PAS may be vulnerable to undue influence from caregivers or heirs. Further, opponents warn that legalizing assisted suicide could lead to people with disabilities and the elderly being euthanized against their will.
Reps. Paul Baumbach (D), Earl Jaques (D), Bryon Short (D); Sens. Margaret Rose Henry (D), Stephanie Hansen (D), David Sokola (D); Death With Dignity, Compassion and Choices.
Delaware Developmental Disabilities Council, State Council for Persons with Disabilities, Medical Society of Delaware, Delaware Healthcare Association, American Medical Association, Not Dead Yet, Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund.
Links to Additional Resources:
Delaware Developmental Disabilities Council position statement opposing PAS
State Council for Persons with Disabilities letter to lawmakers regarding H.B. 160
News Journal op-ed: “Doctor: My terminally ill patients deserve end of life options”
News Journal op-ed: “I’m dying. I hope Delaware approves the End of Life Options Act”
News Journal op-ed: “Assisted suicide undermines human dignity”
News Journal op-ed: “Compelling reasons to oppose Delaware’s assisted suicide legislation”
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