Court Can Mandate Inmate IEPs
Court Can Mandate Inmate IEPs
H.S. 1 for H.B. 344 would give courts the option of ordering that a prison inmate complete his or her IEP before being considered for parole or sentence modification. Currently, the court can only require inmates to earn a standard high school diploma or G.E.D. However, supporters argue that this requirement is counter-productive and places an unfair burden on inmates with IEPs.
Reps. Briggs King (R), Baumbach (D), J. Johnson (D), Keeley (D), Kenton (R), Osienski (D), Paradee (D), Postles (R), D. Short (R); Sens. Poore (D), Cloutier (R), Hansen (D), Hocker (R), Lavelle (R), Sokola (D); Delaware Department of Education.
None reported.
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