The 529 and ABLE Account Improvement Act
The 529 and ABLE Account Improvement Act
H.R. 529 would amend the tax code relating to 529 and ABLE accounts. ABLE accounts are tax-advantaged savings accounts, similar to 529s, established for children with disabilities to save for disability related expenses. These accounts are not counted as assets when determining eligibility for Medicaid and Social Security. This bill encourages employers to contribute to these accounts by providing them with tax incentives and aid for small employer pension plans. It also repeals restrictions on the amount of times a family can rollover from 529 to ABLE accounts, creating greater ease and flexibility for account holders.
Reps. Lynn Jenkins (R-Kan.), Ron Kind (D-Wis.), Robert Wittman (R-Va.); College Savings Foundation, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan Chase & Co, Intuition ABLE Solutions, Wells Fargo, NextGen College Investing Plan, College Savings Plans Network, First National Bank Omaha.
None reported.
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