Mental Health Professionals in Schools
Mental Health Professionals in Schools
H.B. 100 would create a mental health services unit to significantly increase the number of school counselors, school psychologists and school social workers in K–5 public schools and charters. The bill’s preamble cites problematic statistics about the ratio of mental health professionals to students in Delaware elementary schools. For example, there is one counselor for every 580 students; the American School Counselor Association recommends a maximum of one counselor per 250 students. While there is ample evidence that providing mental health services to children of elementary school age can reduce negative health outcomes in later life, H.B. 100 carries an estimated Fiscal Year 2020 cost of $25.8 million to the state and $11.8 million in local taxes. As it modifies the school funding formula in Title 14 of the Delaware Code, this appropriation would be nonnegotiable – the General Assembly could not shave off money in lean years. Another potential roadblock is the bill passed during the last General Assembly requiring all licensed clinical social workers to have master’s degrees. Raising the certification level reduces the pool of potential employees, and as the bill’s preamble points out, that pool is already quite low.
Reps. Longhurst (D), Briggs King (R), Bush (D), Heffernan (D), Osienski (D), K. Williams (D), Baumbach (D), Brady (D), Chukwuocha (D), Cooke (D), Dukes (R), Hensley (R), Jaques (D), K. Johnson (D), Kowalko (D), Lynn (D), Matthews (D), Minor-Brown (D), Mitchell (D), Postles (R), Ramone (R), Seigfried (D), Shupe (R), Michael Smith (R), Spiegelman (R), Viola (D); Sens. McDowell (D), Lockman (D), Sokola (D), Sturgeon (D), Townsend (D), Cloutier (R), Delcollo (R), Lopez (R), Poore (D); Governor’s Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens, League of Women Voters, State Council for Persons with Disabilities.
None reported yet.
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