Students in The College School participate in an English language arts lesson. The College School, housed in UD’s College of Education and Human Development, serves students in grades 1-8 with learning differences.
Back-to-school well-being University of Delaware professors share research and strategies for promoting teacher and student well-being
Autistic young adults face many barriers to employment and often struggle to reconcile their hopes and expectations for a future career during vocational planning.
Vocational hopes and expectations UD assistant professor explores the tensions between hopes and expectations in vocational planning for autistic young adults
Spectrum Scholars Melissa Gatti and Andrew Martin, and Spectrum Scholars Program Manager Wes Garton, smile for the camera.
Making an impact: the Delaware UCEDD’s Spectrum Scholars The University of Delaware’s Spectrum Scholars, a college-to-career program for autistic students launched in 2018, has graduated its first two students.
For the Record, June 16, 2023, as it appears on UDaily
For The Record, June 16, 2023 CDS research manager Jess Monahan’s publication in a peer-reviewed journal concerning mental health assessments of autistic college students and CDS Health and Wellness unit director Sarah Mallory’s conference award for her presentation on COVID-19 vaccine access for people with disabilities are highlighted in this roundup of UD-campus achievements.
Karen Latimer demonstrates an assistive technology device to an older couple
New technology gives older adults, disability community sense of independence Karen Latimer of the CDS-run Delaware Assistive Technology Initiative (DATI) demonstrated devices that can help older Delawareans remain independent and safe in their homes at a May 15 event held with the Sussex County Advisory Committee on Aging & Adults with Physical Disabilities. Devices that support individuals with disabilities throughout the life span are available at DATI’s resource centers for a free trial period.