April 9, 2010 | UDaily
At a DATI conference, the former CDS director urged self-advocates to take risks in seeking employment, while business executives discussed financial options for self-employed people with disabilities.
Conference promotes self-employment for entrepreneurs with disabilities
Center for Disabilities Studies hosts workshop
March 10, 2010 | UDaily
CDS, joined by several state offices, will host a seminar on creating a network between law enforcement, adult protection services and human services to prevent crimes against people with disabilities.
AstraZeneca donation makes assistive technologies available to Delawareans
March 10, 2010 | UDaily
An AstraZeneca donation has enabled DATI, the CDS assistive technology library, to buy peak flow meters and communicators which allow people to converse by spelling words on a keypad.
A special effort for special kids
February 23, 2010 | News Journal
CDS is creating the Family Support Initiative, a “one-stop shop” to connect parents of children with disabilities with all the organizations that provide services and support.
‘Save the Connectors’ receives support from Knights of Columbus
February 5, 2010 | UDaily
The Knights of Columbus stepped in with a donation to support CDS’s community service-oriented Community Connectors, which had lost funding.