Screen from The Legend Of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
How accessibility consultants are building a more inclusive video game industry behind the scenes

As the video games industry continues to grow, the often-hidden efforts of accessibility consultants are beginning to become standard practice. The evidence is both in-game – such as accessibility menus containing options from controller customization to subtitle size – and in-person, as game companies increasingly prioritize inclusive hiring practices.

Officials crowned TaLisha Grzyg to represent the state at the Ms. Wheelchair America pageant
‘I’m So Blessed’: Delaware To Have Contestant In Ms. Wheelchair America Pageant For First Time In 45 Years

TaLisha Grzyg will represent Delaware in the Ms. Wheelchair America pageant. A disabilities influencer with muscular dystrophy, Grzyg says her “purpose as a disabled woman … [is] to make an example that you can achieve anything.”

Dewey Beach
Dewey commissioners vote to improve beach access, infrastructure

Dewey Beach commissioners approved at a recent meeting the purchase of at least four new beach wheelchairs, which the town does not charge visitors to reserve or use. The town manager said several current beach wheelchairs – which have taller, wider wheels for travel over sand – needed replacement, but increasing demand for access to the beach meant he would also like to expand the supply.

Students from UD's Career and Life Studies Certificate (CLSC) program at the official convocation ceremony for the College of Education and Human Development.
Transition to Life Fair aims to prepare students beyond school

Capital School District officials will next month host the Transition to Life Fair, an event connecting 14- to 21-year-old students with IEPs to community vendors with information on training, education, employment, independent living and more. The fair will also offer educational sessions on healthy relationships, job training and mental health awareness. This is the first such event held in Kent County; New Castle County has hosted a transition fair for the past eight years.

CDC headquarters
CDC Finds Developmental Disabilities More Common In Rural Areas

A recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report indicates children living in rural areas are more likely to have developmental disabilities. The CDC also found that, compared to their peers living in cities, children with developmental disabilities in rural areas are less likely to receive special education or early intervention services, less likely to have seen a mental health professional and less likely to have had a checkup visit in the past year.