The University of Tennessee Health Science Center and the University of Memphis partnered for the second annual GoBabyGo! Memphis Rodeo, providing eight children with special needs with electric ride-in cars modified to meet their specific needs. The idea for GoBabyGo! arose from the University of Delaware in 2006.
Comments that the Principal Deputy Administrator for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Community Living allegedly made about favoring segregation of individuals with disabilities motivated lawmakers to write to the head of the administration to ask if the agency is still committed to its mission that all individuals should be able to live at home with necessary supports.
Delaware’s Legislative Hall, in Dover, will be lit up red from July 20 to 22 to celebrate the Special Olympics 50th anniversary and the organization’s mission to end discrimination against individuals with intellectual disabilities and promote inclusion. Special Olympics includes more than 5 million athletes and partners across 170 countries.
A UD telehealth seminar in its third year aims to have more healthcare organizations employing teleconferencing as a way to virtually connect medical professionals with patients.
Disability rights groups say they are worried that President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Kavanaugh, may weaken laws that protect individuals with disabilities from discrimination in schools, employment and health care. Advocates report Kavanaugh is known for striking down agency regulations and has a history of hostility toward civil rights.