Screenshot of the story as it appears on the Delaware Public Media website.
New study finds children with autism may face higher risk of eye disorders, but are less likely to get screened

A new study from Nemours Children’s Health shows disparities in eye exam care for children with autism.

Exterior of a US Department of Education building
Ed Department Earmarks $224 Million To Improve Transition For Students With Disabilities

The U.S. Department of Education will be making more than $220 million in grants available for transition services programs focused on career exploration and integrated employment.

Warner Hall on the UD campus
A new way of wellbeing for students with intellectual disabilities

Brittany Powers, a doctoral candidate in health behavior science and promotion in the University of Delaware’s College of Health Sciences and former interim director of health and wellness at CDS, created and implemented a pilot workshop aimed at helping college students with intellectual disabilities reduce stress and support well-being. Powers collaborated with the CDS-led Career and Life Studies Certificate program in the development of the pilot.

Blurred image of small children in a classroom with a teacher
Why so many kids with autism get expelled from preschool

A new study shows that children with autism have a higher rate of expulsion from preschool, which the authors see as an issue of educational inequity.

Morénike Giwa Onaiwu is an adult woman wearing a variety of jewelry that may also serve as fidget devices. She wears a neurodivergent t-shirt
More Girls Are Being Diagnosed With Autism

Over the past decade, a better understanding of autism in girls has developed, leading to higher rates of diagnosis.