A large exterior sign for Bristol Myers Squibb sits in a landscaped area under large trees.
Drugmaker Moves To Include People With Disabilities In Clinical Trials

Bristol Myers Squibb will work with a nonprofit organization to improve the participation of people with disabilities in clinical trials to better represent real-world demographics.

Close up of a hearing aid in a person's ear. They have smooth white hair that tucks behind the ear and their skin indicates that they are an older person. They wear on small black globe earring.
The Unintended Consequences of OTC Hearing Aids

[COMMENTARY] – Jaipreet Virdi, a historian of medicine, technology, and disability at the University of Delaware, writes that FDA’s recent decision to make hearing aids available over the counter may not be the boon to those with hearing loss that it seems. Hearing aids that are not properly fitted or that do not meet a user’s need, she warns, can cause frustration or even harm. Virdi also writes that marketing of these hearing aids will likely proliferate stereotypes and stigma associated with hearing loss.

Blocks of cookie cutter houses as seen from above.
Biden Administration Releases Millions For Disability Housing

$36 million will be distributed across 46 states to help people with disabilities find housing in their communities.

A teacher, almost in silhouette, stands in a classroom. She holds out a recycling bin for a young student with long dark hair, wearing a mask, to drop in a paper.
Schools Nationwide Expect Special Ed Teacher Shortages This Fall

Nearly every state reports an expected shortage of teachers trained to meet the needs of students with disabilities for the 2022-23 school year.

A dune crossing at the Delaware Seashore State Park. Just visible below sand are the wooden boards that make up the ramp. Worn wooden handrails line the ramp.
State looking to clean up sand-covered ramps in state parks

The Delaware Division of Parks and Recreations has applied to excavate around dune crossing ramps at Delaware Seashore State Park and Fenwick Island State Park to address sand accumulation that has made the ramps inaccessible.