A man with Down syndrome picks up trash A man with Down syndrome picks up trash for his job earning subminimum wage.
Federal Disability Employment Program Bans Subminimum Wage

A placement program that connects people with disabilities to jobs with government contractors, will prohibit subminimum wage. The AbilityOne program joins a growing list of municipalities that have halted the practice.

A pen and ruler lay on top of blueprints
Protecting Students With Disabilities in an Emergency: 5 Key Strategies

A framework that includes disability specialists can help educators incorporate students with disabilities into school safety plans.

Three people walk down a school hallway, seen from behind. The person in the middle wears a jacket with the word Security on the back.
Biden Administration Warns Schools About Disciplining Students With Disabilities

The U.S. Department of Education has released new guidelines for schools on discriminatory discipline of students with disabilities.

A family of four stand in the sunshine. A little girl with glasses is held by the father on the left. A girl who appears slightly older stands with the mother on the right.
Parents Become Drug Developers to Save Their Children’s Lives

Family foundations and small biotech firms partner to develop treatments for rare diseases in children.

Emma Tracey stands in front of a tree with glossy green leaves and an orange-toned wood fence. She wears a black and white polka dot shirt and a hat that casts a shadow across the top portion of her face.
Disability and the heatwave: Cooling solutions and disability as weather alert goes red

The current heatwave throughout the United Kingdom has added challenges for people with disabilities, including those with heat sensitivity and those on medications that affect temperature regulation, but coping strategies can help.