Legislative Hall in Dover, Delaware
Funding shortfall in disability services isn’t a priority in DHSS’ budget

During a Joint Finance Committee meeting on the Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) budget, lawmakers and witnesses questioned why DHSS was not requesting more money for direct support services for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. A 2018 law pledged to raise those payments, which are based on market rates more than a decade old. DHSS Secretary Molly Magarik said meeting that obligation would cost at least $40 million dollars more per year.

A nurse wears a protective mask while treating patients
When does Covid-19 become a disability? ‘Long-haulers’ push for answers and benefits

Disability advocates and lawmakers are pressing the Social Security Administration (SSA) to issue guidance on whether “long-haulers” – people who survive Covid-19 but continue experiencing symptoms – qualify for federal disability benefits. In a statement, the SSA said the current disability policy rules should be sufficient but did not rule out changing its approach in the future.

People in line at a career fair
For younger job seekers, diversity and inclusion in the workplace aren’t a preference. They’re a requirement.

Jobseekers younger than 35 are increasingly demanding their employers demonstrate a commitment to diversity in the workforce, including accommodations for employees with disabilities, according to experts in employment trends and surveys of young adults. Career counselors report the shift has been especially evident since the killing of George Floyd and the resulting national conversation about systemic inequities.

An illustration representing voting via smartphone
Disabled people who had trouble voting falls dramatically: report

In a report to the Election Assistance Commission, Rutgers researchers found that voters with disabilities reported significantly fewer barriers to access in 2020 compared to 2012. The authors attributed this in part to the increase in voting options offered due to the pandemic – though those voting in-person also reported fewer issues. Voters with visual and cognitive impairments encountered the most difficulties.

A nurse pulls a suitcase as she helps a patient
Del. Covid-19 hospitalizations below 200 for first time since Thanksgiving

As of Tuesday, 186 Delawareans are hospitalized with Covid-19, a decrease of almost 300 since a surge following the winter holidays. Gov. Carney attributes the improvement to better treatment options and high rates of mask compliance.