Cape Henlopen High School sign
Cape High student sues school over remote learning

A Cape Henlopen High School student has brought a federal lawsuit alleging the Cape Henlopen School District’s hybrid attendance model does not provide students equal education. The district allows students to attend physically two days per week and work remotely for three, or to work entirely remotely but only receive one day of in-person education from teachers. The student, who is working remotely due to health concerns, seeks an injunction requiring teachers provide equal face-to-face instruction, arguing that any other division of instruction time is discriminatory.

Two college students talk as they walk on a wide path with other pedestrians passing
Back on campus, Delaware universities are already seeing students test positive for COVID-19

In the first four days of classes at UD, 23 students and three faculty members tested positive for Covid-19. At Delaware State University, 24 students have so far tested positive. Both schools are offering most classes remotely. Delaware State requires students to get tested twice weekly. UD requires students, staff and faculty to fill out a health screening checklist before coming to campus each morning but has not mandated testing.

Two middle-aged people share a table with an elderly family member, all three wearing facemasks
DHSS to begin approving plans for indoor visitation at Delaware’s long-term care facilities

The Delaware Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) announced Thursday it will allow long-term care facilities that meet certain criteria to resume indoor visitation. Visitation has been prohibited since mid-March. Visits will be limited to one or two people per resident and take place by appointment only, according to DHSS.

Footage from a police officer's body cam showing another officer pressing Daniel Prude to the ground
How Daniel Prude suffocated as Rochester police restrained him

The family of Daniel Prude, a Black man who died of suffocation while being detained by police in March, and local activists today released video and records of the death and called for the officers responsible to be fired and charged in his homicide. Also among activists’ demands was that police no longer be the responders to mental health calls. Prude reportedly exhibited signs of mental illness, claimed he had Covid-19 and spat at police. An officer placed a “spit hood” on Prude and several forcefully held him to the ground, which led to Prude’s death by asphyxiation.

Delaware Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC) logo
Delaware Developmental Disabilities Council makes efforts to reach the Hispanic community

Currently shaping its strategic plan for 2022–2027, the Delaware Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC) is seeking to include Latino Delawareans by reducing language barriers. The DDC has English- and Spanish-language surveys on its website for people with developmental disabilities and their families to indicate their priorities and concerns for the coming years. The council will also hold three public forums via Zoom to solicit feedback, which it is promoting with English and Spanish ads.