Center for Disabilities Studies’ scholars and staff, and University of Delaware students connected to the Center, regularly deliver presentations and present posters to audiences throughout Delaware, regionally, nationally and internationally. Their talks and displays give academicians, practitioners and the community opportunities to learn first-hand about original research from CDS, and CDS’s leadership on issues of importance to people with disabilities and their families.
See a listing of our posters and presentations below.
Conway, M., Newton, E. & MacBride, J.. (2018, November). Systematic processes for enhancing and assessing communication supports. Presentation delivered at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference, Boston, MA.
Costa, S. & Mineo, B. (2018, November). Effective communication enhances community inclusion: A nationwide examination of Medicaid coverage of iPads/tablets. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.
Eisenman, L. (2018, November) Stories of belonging (or not) from college students with intellectual disability. Presentation delivered at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.
Freedman, B. & Garton, W. (2018, November). Reset Button: CLSC’s New Model for Coaching and Inclusion. Poster presented at the Association for University Centers on Disabilities Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.
Jewell, R. (2018, November). Summer CLSC: Path to an Inclusive Future. Poster presented at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.
Jewell, R., Sellers, J., Garton, W., Sipko, M., Flogaus, S., Massello, M., Robichaud, C., Rothman, G., Sheilds, K., Thorpe, J. & Trigo, D. (2018, December). World Café: Conversations About Living on Campus, Learning and Thriving. Presentation delivered at the Delaware Transition and Self-Determination Conference, Dover, DE.
Lytton, R., Mineo, B. & Costa, S. (2018, November).Overcoming insurance denials and changing policies for SLP/AAC services and speech generating devices. Presentation delivered at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference, Boston, MA.
Mahoney, J., Freedman, B., Hammond, R., Lentz, A. Autism. (2018, May). Panel presentation for JPMorgan Chase & Co. staff (in-person and broadcast to national and international sites), Wilmington, DE.
Mineo, B. (2018, November). Accessible instructional materials: Facilitated curricular access for students with print disabilities. Presentation delivered at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference, Boston, MA.
Ogletree, B., Barton-Hulsey, A., Erickson, K., Goldman, A., Mineo, B., Paul, D., Romski, M. & Sevcik, R. (2018, November). Interprofessional collaborative practice for professionals and others serving persons with severe disabilities. Poster presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference, Boston, MA.
Weir, C., Freedman, B., Bechtel, J., Moyher, R. & Deiana, J. (2018, May). Post-Secondary Options for Individuals with Williams Syndrome. Panel presentation at the Williams Syndrome Association National Convention, Baltimore, MD.