Often in partnership with agencies and organizations that address disability-related issues, and always in collaboration with the community, CDS issues reports that frequently serve as blueprints for either new research endeavors or community and government action. View them, below.
- Moving ahead: Delaware strategic plan to improve educational services for students who are blind and visually impaired (2016) Center for Disabilities Studies : University of Delaware Newark, Delaware
- The plan to achieve health equity for Delawareans with disabilities (2015) Eileen Sparling, Phyllis Guinivan, Jae Chul Lee, Kara Magane, Ximena Uribe-Zarain, Bhavana Viswanathan : Center for Disabilities Studies, University of Delaware Newark, Delaware
- The current landscape for disability and health in Delaware: Public health assessment report summary (2015) Eileen Sparling, Katie Borras, Phyllis Guinivan, Jae Chul Lee, Kara Magane, Mary Joan McDuffie, Aideen Murphy, Mia Papas, Laura Rhoton : Center for Disabilities Studies, University of Delaware Newark, Delaware
- Building on collaboration to improve services for children and youth with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities: need assessment survey report (2015) Annalisa Ekbladh, Laura Rhoton : Center for Disabilities Studies, University of Delaware Newark, Delaware
- Delaware strategic plan to improve services and supports for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (2013) CDS : Center for Disabilities Studies, University of Delaware Newark, Delaware
- Effective communication for health care providers: A guide to caring for people with disabilities (2011) I. Riddle, S. Romelczyk, E. Sparling : Center for Disabilities Studies, University of Delaware Newark, Delaware
- Connecting the dots, second edition (2011) A. Phillips, I. Riddle, M. Sands : Center for Disabilities Studies, University of Delaware; Family to Family Health Information Center, Delaware Family Voices, Inc. Newark, Delaware