Delaware Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities
The Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities (DSAAPD) advocates for, provides access to and coordinates long-term services and supports in the most appropriate setting.
Delaware Division of Social Services
The Division of Social Services, within the Department of Health and Social Services, is directly responsible for administering these programs: Delaware’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Food benefits, Subsidized Child Care, General Assistance and Refugee Cash Assistance.
Delaware Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health
The Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DSAMH) promotes health and recovery by ensuring that Delawareans have access to quality prevention and treatment for mental health, substance use and gambling conditions.
Delaware Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) helps individuals with disabilities prepare for, obtain and maintain employment. They provide people who want to work with access to resources for training, support and career placement.
Delaware Family Voices/Family to Family Health Information Center (DE-F2F)
Delaware Family Voices/Family to Family Health Information Center (DE-F2F) works to achieve family-centered care for all children and youth with special health care needs and/or disabilities. As part of a national network, Delaware Family Voices provides families with tools to make informed decisions, advocates for improved public and private policies, builds partnerships among professionals and families and serves as a trusted resource on health care.
Delaware Foundation Reaching Citizens with Intellectual DisABILITIES
The Delaware Foundation Reaching Citizens with Intellectual DisABILITIES (DFRC) is a Delaware foundation dedicated to raising funds and consciousness in support of programs that enrich the lives of Delawareans with intellectual disabilities. Established in 1956, the private, nonprofit organization is dedicated to identifying and funding programs based on community need.
Delaware Hands and Voices
Delaware Hands and Voices is dedicated to supporting families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing, helping them to reach their highest potential.
Described and Captioned Media Program
The Described and Captioned Media Program provides all persons who are deaf or hard of hearing with equal access to communication and learning through the use of captioned educational media and supportive collateral materials.
Disabilities Law Program
The Disabilities Law Program (a special project of Community Legal Aid Society, Inc.) provides advocacy services to Delaware residents with physical or mental disabilities.
Disability Rights Movement Virtual Exhibition
The Disability Rights Movement Virtual Exhibition looks at the efforts of people with disabilities, and their families and friends, to secure the civil rights guaranteed to all Americans.