Spectrum Scholars is proud to partner with multiple entities throughout the University of Delaware to provide comprehensive support.
To support the academic success of students, we partner with the Office of Academic Enrichment, academic advisors, the Writing Center, Disability Support Services and the University Library, Museums and Press.
Student growth happens outside of the classroom, too. To support student life, we partner with the Office of the Dean of Students, the Center for Counseling & Student Development, Office of Equity & Inclusion, Residence Life & Housing and the Career Center, and many more.

Spectrum Scholars is proud to partner with JPMorgan Chase & Co. toward improving employment outcomes for autistic college students. It is through the generosity of JPMC that Spectrum Scholars is able to offer programmatic support.
Eager to tap and grow the promise and talent of individuals with autism, JPMorgan Chase & Co. in 2015 launched an Autism at Work program, recruiting and training autistic individuals to work in jobs where their abilities are treated as valuable assets. The company views Spectrum Scholars, launched in 2018, as expanding the continuum of support for people with ASD.
Some students and graduates of the Spectrum Scholars program may intern and eventually work at JPMorgan Chase & Co.; others will pursue opportunities elsewhere.
Potential Employers
A growing number of employers recognize the talents and strengths autistic employees bring to their organizations, coalesced around Autism at Work initiatives.
Spectrum Scholars works collaboratively with other universities, employers, and individuals to generate greater awareness and inclusion for autistic employees and to move the needle for successful employment outcomes. To that end, Spectrum Scholars is proud to partner with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) in supporting participants from Spectrum Scholars while in college and beyond. DVR provides individualized services to employers and people with disabilities, developing career pathways that link qualified employees to jobs, resulting in greater independence and a more inclusive workplace.